
Portuguese Historical and Cultural Society

Organized in 1979 as the Portuguese American Historical Committee for the purpose of preserving and promoting the historical Portuguese heritage of the Riverside/Pocket area and all of greater Sacramento. Membership in the Society entitles you to receive the quarterly newsletter O Progresso, notification of events, and reduced admissions when applicable.

Portugal, a tiny European country less than one fourth the size of California, has had a lasting impact on world history as a land of navigators and explorers:  great figures such as Ferdinand Magellan (Magalhaes), Vasco da Gama, and John (Joao) Rodrigues Cabrillo, who discovered California. 

It is that same inborn spirit of adventure and exploration that led to the founding of the Portuguese Historical and Cultural Society in 1979.  Since that time, PHCS has been dedicated to keeping alight the flame of our cultural and historical heritage, providing a congenial environment for individuals of Portuguese ancestry to maintain a link with their ethnic past. 

Lower Lisbon School (est. 1909) 

Portuguese Park in Sacramento 

The members of PHCS take great pride in the effort to educate the public about the role of the Portuguese in our nation’s history. 

Working with the local community PHCS launched a successful campaign to establish in the Riverside-Pocket area of Sacramento:  Portuguese Community Park, Portuguese street names in new housing developments, namesake school for the original Lisbon schools established by Portuguese immigrants; and obtained historical registry for a number of Portuguese meetings halls, and churches.   

PHCS published Portuguese Pioneers of the Sacramento Area, documenting the Portuguese presence in Sacramento and neighboring counties.  We have published extracts of the book in several brochures; and have collaborated with Portuguese Heritage Publications of California, Inc., and other media to document and preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Portuguese in California. 

 the historical and cultural heritage of Portuguese in California. 

PHCS’ quarterly newsletter, O Progresso features articles of interest about the Portuguese population, current events and activities, local historical information, genealogical information and an annual Master Calendar of Northern California organizational events and festas. 

We sponsor exhibits of Portuguese artifacts and historical materials at State and local levels, including the educational system. 

We sponsor benefit activities to raise funds for the annual PHCS scholarship awards to students of Portuguese ancestry.  We work with local media on featuring the Portuguese culture and history, and partner/participate with other Portuguese organizations as appropriate. 

We own a collection of books, music, and videos, Portuguese artifacts, and an archive of historic photographs. 

Our website, provides information about PHCS, events and more.  Follow us also on Facebook.