Annual Dues are $15 per person, $25 couple; $20 non-USA. PHCS policy is to send the O Progresso newsletter through the June issue if you have not renewed membership at the beginning of the year. Please notify us of change of address. If you have questions, contact: Ralph R. Nevis, Jr., Treasurer, 916.421.7161. PHCS membership entitles you to the O Progresso newsletter, invitations to all activities, and when applicable, discounts to events. ======================================================================================== Download membership form--copy URL to your browser. ======================================================================================== APPLICATION TO JOIN THE PORTUGUESE HISTORICAL & CULTURAL SOCIETY PHCS meets monthly, first Tuesday. All interested parties welcome. Annual dues $15 individual or $25 couple, ($20 non USA) renewable each January. Please complete and send to PHCS, P.O. Box 161990, Sacramento, CA 95816. Name________________________________________ Your Portuguese connection: Address______________________________________ Continent___Azores___Madeira___ City_________________________State_____Zip_____ Other_________________________ Phone: (day)__________________(eve.)____________ Portuguese family names_________ Email_______________________ fax______________ ______________________________ If you need more information check here [ ] or log on to